
Thursday, January 31, 2013



It is through that information changes on the web but the mathematics of internet amazing income still remain constant thus webpage + Massive Traffic = terrifying income. A webpage created without having any body visiting it does not have the tenacity of bringing in hooping dollars. Bringing traffic to your site or blog using free or paid medium is not an easy thing though but enduring, soon enough, if done properly and constantly, will be eyed for ranking by keywords led search engine. Ok! Let’s talk about those things you must do to derive returning traffic to your page.

       1.The right keywords for your web or blog page: One of the first things you should have in mind when trying to build web or blog page is building the right keywords around your niche and web address. In other words, there should be an intimate relationship between your web address, your niche and selected choice of words which eventually form your contents. Keywords are those frequent queries that people around the globe keep pumping into search engine i.e. How to make money, How to reduce weight fast, Breaking news, Free software download or anything free. Majorly, this is how people question search engines. The more relevant your site or blog content to these key words, the easier for the search engine to find your site and list you for ranking. Therefore right choices of keywords are very important since search engines are designed robots led by keywords. Which means your site can only be quickly notice by your selected choice of words.    

2.Build an inviting and eye appealing website or blog: Every average human being loves something beautiful and attractive and that alone, though not enough, can keep them returning to that environment. Your webpage must be very appealing and easily understood by your visitors since you are not going to be there to analyse or navigate for them. Design or select the best simple template with a good touch of graphics. Though building a very attractive webpage is never a day job and thus requires your creativity. Yes! I can do it. Those are four letter words that should be guiding you if you really want to have headway on the internet. But if you think you can’t, so be it, give it to the expert for your hard earned dollars. Get me right! To cut down your cost to the bearest minimum as a beginner you have to do it youself and that makes you an expert which qualifies you to repeat it for others for income.

3.Build original contents: The WWW is very vast in contents that you can ever imagine and the truth is that there is nothing you want to talk about and develop that has not been discussed or developed before. This is where the issue of copy righting comes in. no mater what even if you don’t know what to write about a niche don’t ever copy from another person page directly, rather digest and add value to already existing content. Word processor has made “content flipping” (more about this latter) easy and besides your visitors really know what they are looking for and are very much aware of the information they are reading on your page, hence, the only thing that can make them to come back and keep them on your page is the originality, uniqueness, how innovative and how much your contents can add to there knowledge. Though its not easy to start building content as a beginner but I prefer doing it cause it keeps improving my knowledge about my niche.

4.Complement your site or blog with interesting and related images: This aspect is very important when you are building a web page and that is where logos and relevant graphics come in. Images simply express the true picture of the information you are passing across to your visitors, therefore, it makes your site look simple, captivating, not boring and easily understood by your visitors. Note that images enhance the look of your site, yet it should not be misused because it will slow downloading of information from your site on the internet. Ensure you make use of reasonable number of pictures that are not heavy in size to enhance and complement your page. Depending on your niche or contents, you can use a live captured image i.e if you post on news. A good example of this is Linda Ikeji’s Blog.  You can get image to complement your contents HERE

5.Keep your visitors glue to your page: There are some contents that will require you to make references to other people’s web site. This might be necessary when you are getting your information from another persons’ page. However, when u want to make such references make sure you link the page in such a way that it will open in another window and not on your page otherwise you will be on the loosing side. Better still, you might site a reference appropriately without a link to that page. Doing this you can be sure that your visitor will only have the reference in mind while keep navigating through your alluring content page.

6.Organization is another issue you have to battle with. You should try as much as possible to tidy up your site and should not be shabby. put the right thing at the right place.

There are many more primary things you must do to promote your website and blog page but this six are very important and cannot be ignored. You have to keep them at the back of your mind as you are designing a platform to promote your business or your niche. You have the opportunity of test and retesting your creativity before you make it go live and viral. If your site is interesting to your visitors then Google will see it the same way and joyfully find you on the web. Interesting! Search engines like Google don’t have eyes yet it sees beyond your imagination and that is while it can submit and recommend you to several visitors looking for information related to your keywords.
Having put this in place, I will be talking about places where you can promote your page free and paid service in my next post.
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To your success...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is interesting.i will like u to contact me with more information on how to go about it. thanks.